什麼情況用should/ought to/must?

2008-10-07 2:08 am
什麼情況用should/ought to/must?



回答 (2)

2008-10-07 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
If your father said to you " You must finish your homework by 9pm ." last
night and now it is today and you want to say what your father said to you
last night to a friend of yours, you would have to change" must " to
" had to ".
Siu Ling,( your friend) my father said I had to finish my homework by 9pm
the other night.( Also, you have to change " last night" to " the other night".
This is what we call " indirect speech" in English grammar.

Hope it helps you .
2008-10-07 2:22 am
should/ought to=應該,但不一定要做
參考: 自己

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