Analyse the industry structure of fast food market in HK

2008-10-06 9:49 pm
I am now studying strategic management.
I want to know about.....

(1) Analyse the industry structure of the “fast food market” in the catering industry in Hong Kong.

(2) Evaluate whether this is an attractive sector to compete in, what typically drives success in the sector, and whether the sector is likely to remain as attractive (or otherwise) in the near future.

回答 (3)

2008-10-11 5:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There you're.
Take a look at the following, although a bit out-dated, you may get to know more about the local fast food market.
2008-10-12 7:17 am
analyze個industry structure係講market share架??
2008-10-11 6:40 am
1) Market share mainly shared by Cafe De Coral, Fairwood and Maxim with minor competition from Delifrance, Oliver, Pret a Manger, etc.
2) Attractive factors include many people located in the same area in Hong Kong, people do not have long lunch time, people prefers to save money for luxury products, so that have large demand on fast food. It will be more attractive in near future due to economic downturn.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:18:49
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