Grammar Question!!!!!!!

2008-10-06 8:33 pm
Which one is grammatically right???

a.) The way he paints his face makes him looks like a savage.
b.) The way he paints his face makes him look like a savage.

回答 (6)

2008-10-07 12:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are referring to the present tense or a story-telling, the second sentence can be used.
To make ( someone) ( verb here).
The word " make" is the main verb here .
To make you cry.
To make Helen happy.
To make myself happier.As you can see " happy" and " happier" are both adjectives, so you now know " to make someone( adjective) is correct too.
Before I go, let me leave a past tense version of your second sentence here.
The way he painted his face made him look like a savage.

painted and made<-------- past tense
The word " look" doesn't need to be changed to the past tense owing to the
" to make him cry(verb)" structure.

Good luck!
2008-10-07 1:11 am

因為make 之後加verb, 會用infinitive without to, 所以 to look 便會變成look!

look 在這裡是infinitive, 不過 verb, 所以是不會受tense影響的.
2008-10-06 10:01 pm
b is correct
"makes" acts like the prep "to"
other examples are "help" and "let"
參考: Myself
2008-10-06 8:56 pm
Answer B Answer B
參考: me
2008-10-06 8:45 pm
Answer B is correct.
2008-10-06 8:38 pm
b.) The way he paints his face makes him look like a savage

This one is correct.

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