如果我想做tax adviser , 請問有咩途徑??

2008-10-06 2:18 pm
如果我想做tax adviser , 請問有咩途徑??


其實有關tax 嘅工作都可以... 因為我想搵有關呢方面嘅工... im a guaduated student ... havent got any experience...


thanks ....ermm.... so if ive only got 2.2 in my acounting and finance degree... plus no exprerience at all...>.< btw im studyin in the uk... will it be very hard to join in an accounting firm!??! but i do really work in an accounting firm.... so wat can i do!?!

回答 (2)

2008-10-06 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
做 Tax adviser, 你最好畢業後加入會計師行的稅務部門工作. 這樣你可以增加你的工作經驗. 邊做邊考HKICPA.
不過, 你首先要改善你的英文. 因為會去請 tax adviser 的客戶好多都係外國人.
即使你係一個 graduated student, 你都係需要有好的 qualification.
如果你只係一個 guaduated student with quilifcation, 無老闆會請你的.
2008-10-07 9:30 am
thanks ....ermm....
so if ive only got 2.2 in my acounting and finance degree...
plus no exprerience at all...>.<
btw im studyin in the uk...
will it be very hard to join in an accounting firm!??!
but i do really work in an accounting firm....
so wat can i do!?!

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