Please translate this phrase into English~~~~~

2008-10-06 1:28 pm
Translate 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 into English please!!!!

回答 (6)

2008-10-06 2:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can experience more by traveling thousands of miles than by reading thousands of books

不過唔sure o岩唔o岩..
參考: 自己
2008-10-07 1:04 pm
Learning and exploring by travelling along the way is always better than just burying yourself into books.

Ps: My translated version.
2008-10-07 4:26 am
Reads Wan Juanshu to be inferior to line of Wan Lilu
參考: web
2008-10-07 12:24 am
Better to walk thousands of miles than to read tons of books.

2008-10-06 16:26:34 補充:
"thousands of book" closer to the original, but I don't like using the same word in one sentence.
2008-10-06 5:48 pm
There is a Chinese saying that knowledge enhancement is not just by reading piles of books, it would better be attained by travelling hundreds of places.

2008-10-06 10:00:11 補充:
2008-10-06 5:20 pm

To enrich your knowledge, it's rather to walk ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.

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