有關ATCL (Recital) Exam

2008-10-06 8:29 am
本人今年11-12月考ATCL (Recital), 有以下問題, 請各位高手指教:

1. 我曾上網找寫 programme notes 的資料, 可惜找不到, 請問我可從哪裡找到有用的資料呢? 有人可以幫幫我嗎?

2. 請問我這個programme okay 嗎?

(1) J S BACH -- Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 865
(2) MOZART -- Sonata in C minor, K. 457
(3) BRAHMS -- Intermezzo in A, op. 118 no. 2

3. 有關衣著問題:

有很多問題,希望各位高手能指教指教! Thanks!!

回答 (2)

2008-10-06 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢個programme 都未係一個balance programe 因為未有現代作品

如果是成人. 女仔長裙是必要的.

2008-10-06 08:19:35 補充:
PROGRAMME NOTE 佔10分..要小心格式..

以下係我同學生寫既PROGRAMME NOTE 其中一首歌比你參考

Sonata in E flat Major, No.59 Joseph Haydn
Hob. XVI:49 1732-1809

2008-10-06 08:20:12 補充:
Joseph Haydn was one of the most prominent composers of the classical period, and is called by some the "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String Quartet".

2008-10-06 08:20:26 補充:
Haydn spent most of his career as a court musician, isolated from other composers and trends in music until the later part of his long life.

2008-10-06 08:20:55 補充:
This E flat major sonata is one of the late compositions by the composer. The opening figure assumes importance as the work progress, with a four note figure near the end of the exposition leading,

2008-10-06 08:21:10 補充:
in the central development section, to a brief cadenza before the final recapitulation, followed by a dominant slow movement. A version of the principal theme in the key of E flat minor was included in the finale, and the original key was re-establishment before the sonata to an end.
2008-10-08 4:20 am
1. You can search some General history reference books. They are all offered in Central Public Library 10/F Caouseway bay. You can search them.

2. I think your recital programme is balanced. It is not necessary to have modern style music in your recital.

3. I think the most important is that causal wear, such as jeans, Tshirt, are not suitable for the performance.

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