factor completely:9x2 + 40x + 16?

2008-10-05 8:02 am

回答 (8)

2008-10-05 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
9x^2 + 40x + 16
= 9x^2 + 36x + 4x + 16
= (9x^2 + 36x) + (4x + 16)
= 9x(x + 4) + 4(x + 4)
= (x + 4)(9x + 4)
2008-10-05 8:57 am
9x² + 40x = - 16
x² + 40/9x = - 16/9
x² + 20/9x = - 16/9 + (20/9)²
x² + 20/9x = - 144/81 + 400/81
(x + 20/9)² = 256/81
x + 20/9 = 16/9

= x + 20/9 - 16/9, x + 4/9, 9x + 4
= x + 20/9 + 16/9, x + 36/9, x + 4

Answer: (9x + 4)(x + 4) are the factors.

Proof (F.O.I.L.):
= (9x + 4)(x + 4)
= 9x² + 36x + 4x + 16
= 9x² + 40x + 16
2016-10-05 9:47 pm
i'd commence with writing the 1st term (25x^2) as a made from 2 components, by way of fact you recognize that 5*5=25 and 5x*5x=25x^2 you are able to commence with (5x + )(5x + ) For something of the factoring you are able to seem on the sixteen and notice that it is likewise a difference of two squares by way of fact 4*4 = sixteen so in case you attempt putting 4 in for the 2d 0.5 of your element you get (5x + 4)(5x + 4) you are able to verify your self by way of multiplying it out and make beneficial all your numbers artwork (5x + 4)*(5x + 4) = 25x^2 + 20x + 20x + sixteen = 25x^2 + 40x + sixteen
2008-10-05 8:37 am
9x2 + 40x + 16

factors of 16:

4,4<<< 9 x 4 +4 = 40<<<<CORRECT PAIR

2008-10-05 8:12 am
factorisation u 'll get


4 and 36

= 9x(x+4)+4(x+4)

is the answer
2008-10-05 8:11 am
9x^2 + 40x + 16

9 x 16 = 144

36 x 4 = 144

9x^2 +36x + 4x + 16

(9x^2 +36x) + (4x + 16)

9x (x + 4) 4(x + 4)

x = 9x + 4 and x = x + 4

I hope you see that I multiplied the first term with the last, which was 144. Then I found factors of 144 that add up to 40: 36 and 4.

Then I rewrote the equation, split it and two, factored as much as I could (the numbers at the bottom in the parenthesis have to be the same for both sides). After that, I combined what was outside the parenthesis to be my first solution for x, (9x + 4), and what was inside the parenthesis, (x + 4), and those were my two solutions.

Tyler O(berlin?) We are not here to do your math homework. Learn the method, homework is practice. I cans see like 4 more of your questions.
2008-10-05 8:08 am
(9x + 4) (x + 4)
2008-10-05 8:05 am

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