
2008-10-06 7:36 am
I am currently working on my graduate assignment for 7000words for the 人民幣升值對香港的內地投資者的影響, however, i don't have a business issue to study, like how the manufacturer can surrive in the future? Any hints for me? Thx thx . MY assignment was banded by the teacher as i wrote something abt the RMB revaluation, but he said i need to look into a company and wwhat's the impact financially and operationally of RMB appreciation.

Hope all of you can give me some hints la!

回答 (3)

2008-10-06 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
how the manufacturer can surrive in the future?
1) explore local markets
2) explore higher margin products and higher class products
3) explore new markets with strong economy, e.g. Middle East
4) use financial hedging to reduce exchange rate risk
5) borrow foreign currency loan to gain the exchange differences (subject to state forex control regulations)
6) improve production process to reduce costs, e.g. more machinery to replace labour
7) migrate production line to cheaper locations, e.g. western part of China
8) migrate production line to other countries, e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.
Enough hints?
2008-10-06 3:01 pm
i would say the appreciation of RMB will affect the profit margin for international trades because the demand for foreign countries of importing Chinese goods would certainly decrease due to price increased of Chinese goods, and the major key for China to become so successful is because of its inexpensive labor and products. So i would point out that it is getting difficult for Hong Kong residence to invest in China they are bearing more costs (due to the difference in the foreign exchange rates) and the demand of international exports decreases as RMB appreciates.
2008-10-06 7:56 am
hey, if i choose the type of a manufacturing co. to talk about, which one you think is the best & easiest to find info.and easiest for me to understand their business?

1. Electronic
2. TOys
3. Furniture
4. fashion
5. or you have other suggestions?

2008-10-05 23:58:00 補充:
btw, thanks for your prompt reply!! can i send email to 請教你 about this issue for my final assignment later?

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