
2008-10-06 7:04 am
Pheidippides could hardly stand. He looked at the torches of fire around him, and they seemed to fade and grow dark. People were still cheering. He opened his mouth to speak, and everyone was quiet. He could feel hundreds of eyes upon him. “We have won the battle,” Pheidippides whispered. Then he fell to the ground.
People sang and laughed. They cheered even more loudly than before. Now they could stay in their homes. Their city was safe.The people went to help Pheidippides, but it was too late. He had died from his wound and from running to give them the good news. The people of Athens never forgot Pheidippides. They held race so that they would always remember what he had done to save their city.

回答 (2)

2008-10-06 8:41 am
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Pheidippides站立不住了,他看周圍的火炬,開始昏暗。民眾仍然熱烈高呼。他開口說話,所有人安靜了,他感覺數百眼睛看著他。Pheidippides低聲說:"我們已經勝利了" 。然後倒在地上。
民眾大笑唱起歌來,歡呼聲比之前更大。現在他們可以留守自己的家園,他們的城市是安全的。民眾前去救助Pheidippides ,但太遲了,疲於奔命報告好消息和傷口流血至死的他。雅典的人民永遠不會忘記Pheidippides。他們舉辦比賽讓他們永遠懷念他對城市的貢獻。
2008-10-06 7:16 am
Pheidippides幾乎都站不住。他期待在火炬火災周圍,他們似乎消失和增長黑暗。人仍然助威。他打開他的嘴說話,和大家安靜。他能感覺到數百名他的眼睛。 “我們已經贏得了這場戰鬥, ” Pheidippides低聲說。然後,他倒在地上。
人們唱起來。他們歡呼更比以前大聲。現在,他們可以留在自己的家園。他們的城市是安全.這些人去幫助Pheidippides ,但為時已晚。他死於他的傷口和運行給予他們的好消息。人民永遠不會忘記雅典Pheidippides 。他們舉行的比賽,讓他們永遠記住他的所作所為,以挽救他們的城市。

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