
2008-10-06 6:00 am
The Greek soldiers fought the Persians near the beach where they’d landed.They surrounded the Persians could move was towards the sea,and they ran back to their ships.The Greeks had won the battle.
A Greek officer wanted Pheidippides to run back to Athens with the good news.He foundPheidppides sitting on the ground.He washolding his hand over his side.He had been stabbed during the fighting,but the officer didn’t see that Pheidippides was hurt.
“Run back to Athens,”he told Pheidippides. “Tell the people we have won the battle.Tell them not to burn their homes or to run way.”
Pheidippides said nothing about his wound.He got to his feet and started running.He ran across the beach and towards the hills.

回答 (2)

2008-10-06 10:39 am
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2008-10-07 1:00 am
The Greek soldiers fought the Persians near the beach where they’d landed.They surrounded the Persians could move was towards the sea,and they ran back to their ships.The Greeks had won the battle.
A Greek officer wanted Pheidippides to run back to Athens with the good news.He foundPheidppides sitting on the ground.He washolding his hand over his side.He had been stabbed during the fighting,but the officer didn’t see that Pheidippides was hurt.
“Run back to Athens,”he told Pheidippides. “Tell the people we have won the battle.Tell them not to burn their homes or to run way.”
Pheidippides said nothing about his wound.He got to his feet and started running.He ran across the beach and towards the hills.





2008-10-06 17:04:11 補充:
☆ Nop ☆ ( 知識長 ) 抄襲维基百科

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