英文作文:How I can be rich

2008-10-06 4:16 am
英文作文:How I can be rich

回答 (1)

2008-10-08 4:41 am
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Most people in the world wishes to be rich. But how can this dream become a reality? In fact, there are several ways to do so, but all these ways must require something very important --- being hard-working.

It's not that with just being hard-working will make you rich, but without it there will be nothing that can be successed. Moreover, no matter what you plan to make money, hard-work is always needed. For instance, working as an engineer, it requires many knowledge that should be accumulated from young time. It also needs patience and time when repairing or fixing something.

Finally, we must admit that hard-working is the main ingredient of successing. And making money is not an exception.

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