✔ 最佳答案
A : 可選擇 : (i) 在JR 和歌山租車 或 (ii) use public transport.
Day 1 -> 大阪 [ stay in大阪Hotel]
Day 2 -> Universal Studio Japan
Dinner and shopping at難波 / 道頓堀 / 心齋橋一帶附近商場[stay in大阪 Hotel]
Day 3 Morning :大阪 ->京都 (坐阪急去阪急嵐山站) -> 渡月橋,嵐山公園,天龍寺,竹林一帶 [睇風景為主]
Before Lunch : Torokko嵐山站乘小火車去Torokko龜岡站龜岡站,步行約10分鐘去JR馬堀站 ,再坐JR回京都。
Late Afternoon : JR京都-> 金閣寺 ->祇園
Dinner and shopping at河原町 [stay in大阪 / 京都 Hotel]
Day 4 Morning : JR 京都 -> 乘坐[JR 奈良線]至[JR 稲荷駅]下車 -> 伏見稲荷大社 -> JR 京都
OR JR 京都→ 銀閣寺→ 哲學之道→ 南禪寺→ 平安神宮。
Afternoon : JR回京都 ->京都塔 -> 清水寺 ->八板神舍 [stay in大阪 / 京都 Hotel]
Note : Remember to buy “京都市巴士一日乘車券” Yen 500 or 2 day pass.
Day 5 黑門市場 -> 大阪城公園 -> 大阪城 -> 大阪水上巴士 / 大阪港 ->天保山海遊館
Dinner and shopping at難波 / 道頓堀 / 心齋橋一帶附近商場[stay in大阪 Hotel]
Day 6 -> 和歌山白濱 ->白濱溫泉「崎泉」 ->海中展望塔 -> 三段壁洞窟 /千疊敷海岸 /白良浜沙灘
Day 7 Toretore海鮮市場 -> 白良濱 , 圓月島 -> Bus to Airport
RINKU PREMIUM OUTLET (if Have time) -> Airport
Bus Timetable in 白濱
和歌山市内←→関西国際空港 Bus
For more information, refer to
2008-10-09 12:49:28 補充:
Your information =>第七天我們是搭20:35離開大阪的.
From the timetable :
There is a bus of 16:00 JR和歌山駅(発) -> 関西国際空港(着) 16:40.
* Note: Japanese are very on-time, therefore should have no delay.
You will return the rental car at JR和歌山駅, for example, 3:15pm.
2008-10-09 12:49:47 補充:
Then you will only go to “白良濱 , 圓月島”. Assume you want to travel on the boat, you book 14:10 slot -> 14:40. Then go back to JR和歌山駅.
Schedule =>
2008-10-09 12:49:58 補充:
Assume you arrive at Toretore海鮮市場 at around 11:00am, walk around and eat your lunch. Leave there around 12:45pm. Then drive to白良濱. Walk around at 白良濱 and then drive to 圓月島 at around 13:30pm. Then walk around there.
2008-10-09 12:50:07 補充:
In the morning, you pack your luggage and check-out at around 9:45am. Drive to Toretore海鮮市場 before 11:00am.
There is sufficient time to do all the things listed.