英文文法..belong to

2008-10-06 1:28 am
1. ,so the renovation responsibility is belong to the flat owner.
2. ,so the renovation responsibility belong to the flat owner.

以上兩個邊個先岩? 洗唔洗加is ?但加了is後 belong好似無理由用現在式? 上述本應係唔係被動式? 請高手指點迷津...感謝..My msn:lung1029@hotmail.com
如可交個朋友請add埋我msn ^.^"

回答 (1)

2008-10-06 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please note :
1. 2. ,so the renovation responsibility belong to the flat owner. - this is correct, except that you miss an "s" after "belong", since responsibility here is a singular noun. Therefore, it should be :
so the renovation responsibility belongs to the flat owner
2. To make the sentence structure better, please consider to change :
so the responsibility of renovation belongs to the flat owner.

參考: Myself

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