check writing

2008-10-05 10:26 pm
Last Monday, I was very tried because I watched TV until midnight on Sunday. I only slept seven hours. At nine o'clock a.m., it was English lesson. When my English teacher Miss Chan taught us English grammar, every classmate were attentive to listen to her. But I am bored with it. I felt asleep on my desk. Suddenly, Miss Chan stood near me and there was a textbook in her hand. She woke me up and asked me what is the textbook concern. But I didn't know. I apologised to her and she told me don''t do it again.

回答 (3)

2008-10-05 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Last Monday, I was very tired because I watched TV until midnight. I only slept for seven hours. It was English lesson at nine o'clock. When my English
teacher, Miss Chan taught us English grammar, all the classmates were very
attentive. But I was very bored, then, I fell asleep on my desk. Sunddenly,
Miss Chan stood besides me and she had a textbook on her hand. She woke me up and asked me what was the content I taught today about. I didn't know
and I apologized for being unattentive. She told me not to do it again.
參考: Me
2008-10-05 11:53 pm
Last Monday, I was very tried because I watched TV until midnight on Sunday. I only slept seven hours. At nine o'clock a.m., it was English lesson. When my English teacher Miss Chan taught us English grammar, every classmate was attentive to listen to her. But I am bored with it. I felt asleep on my desk. Suddenly, Miss Chan stood near me and there was a textbook in her hand. She woke me up and asked me what the textbook concern is. But I didn't know. I apologized to her and she told me don’t do it again.
2008-10-05 11:50 pm
Last Monday I was very tried because I watched TV until Sunday midnight. I only slept for seven hours. At nine o'clock a.m. it was English lesson. Every classmate was attentive when Miss Chan, my English teacher, was teaching English grammar. But I was bored with it, and felt asleep on my desk. Suddenly, Miss Chan stood near me with the textbook in her hand. She woke me up and asked me concerning the content of the textbook. But I didn't know. I apologized to her and she warned me not to do it again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:08:11
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