
2008-10-05 8:38 pm
According to an anecdote told by Thomas himself, it was a complete accident that
inspired him to use personal written material as an ethnographic source and to
develop the biographic approach in sociology, which would later establish his
lasting reputation in sociology.

While walking down a street near his home in Chicago, Thomas was almost hit by a
garbage bag which had been thrown out of a window. The bag burst open and Thomas
discovered a letter in it, which he curiously picked up to discover it was written
by a Polish woman immigrant.

He spent the next years collecting both oral reports and written materials in the
Chicago Polish community and its country of origin. He utilised a variety of documents
ranging from newspaper reports, archives of organisations, to personal letters and
diaries, which he acquired by placing advertisements in the Chicago Polish-language
press - offering, e.g., 10 to 20 cents per letter sent from Poland.

回答 (7)

2008-10-06 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案


新聞-提供,例如, 1 0至2 0美分,信件來自波蘭。
參考: me
2008-10-05 10:36 pm
據趣聞托馬斯告訴自己,這是一個完整的事故, 啟發他用個人的書面材料,作為一個人種來源,並開發傳記社會學方法,這將稍後確定他持久的聲譽社會學。雖然走一條街上他家附近在芝加哥,托馬斯幾乎是受到垃圾袋已拋出一個窗口。袋爆裂開放和托馬斯發現了一封信中,他好奇地回升,發現這是書他花了今後幾年收集的口頭報告和書面材料中的芝加哥波蘭社會和其原籍國。他利用各種文件面一名波蘭婦女移民。從報紙報導,檔案的組織,個人信件和日記,他收購了放置廣告在芝加哥的波蘭語言新聞-提供,例如, 1 0至2 0美分,信件來自波蘭。
2008-10-05 10:17 pm
According to an anecdote told by Thomas himself, it was a complete accident that inspired him to use personal written material as an ethnographic source and to develop the biographic approach in sociology, which would later establish his lasting reputation in sociology.

根據湯馬斯他本人親述的軼事,他 獲得 [使用有文字的個人素材作為人類論的源頭] 及 [用傳記的方法去發展社會學] 的靈感 的方法完全是一個意外。 但這個意外後來建立了他對社會學長久的名譽。

斜體的字係有連接既, 即使唔要中間既野都通順

While walking down a street near his home in Chicago, Thomas was almost hit by a garbage bag which had been thrown out of a window. The bag burst open and Thomas discovered a letter in it, which he curiously picked up to discover it was written by a Polish woman immigrant.

當湯馬斯在他芝加哥的家附近的一條路走着時,他幾乎被一個由窗口拋出的垃圾袋擊中。 那個袋裂開了。 湯馬斯由袋中發現一執信。 他好奇地執起它,而且發現那封信是由一名波蘭籍的非法入境女士所寫的。

He spent the next years collecting both oral reports and written materials in the Chicago Polish community and its country of origin. He utilised a variety of documents ranging from newspaper reports, archives of organisations, to personal letters and diaries, which he acquired by placing advertisements in the Chicago Polish-language press - offering, e.g., 10 to 20 cents per letter sent from Poland.

他用上其後數年的時間 由芝加哥中波蘭的小社會 收集口述的報告及有文字的素材,包括新聞、機構的檔案,以至個人信件及日記。這些都是湯馬斯 在芝加哥採用波蘭語言的出版刊物 登廣告徵求的。他為了要收集這些,不惜使用金錢利誘,例如 每一封由波蘭寄來的信件起價一至兩毫。

underline 既文章冇講, 但係為左譯文通順而加上既。
2008-10-05 8:58 pm
1. According to an anecdote told by Thomas himself, it was a complete accident that
inspired him to use personal written material as an ethnographic source and to
develop the biographic approach in sociology, which would later establish his
lasting reputation in sociology.
[ 根據軼事由托馬斯告訴了,它是在社會學方面啟發他使用個人書面材料作為一個民族志學來源和開發自傳方法,在社會學方面以後將建立他持久的名譽的一次完全事故。 ]
2. While walking down a street near his home in Chicago, Thomas was almost hit by a
garbage bag which had been thrown out of a window. The bag burst open and Thomas
discovered a letter in it, which he curiously picked up to discover it was written
by a Polish woman immigrant.
[ 當步行沿著向下街道在他的家附近在芝加哥時,托馬斯由被投擲了在窗口外面的垃圾袋幾乎擊中。 ]
3.He spent the next years collecting both oral reports and written materials in the
Chicago Polish community and its country of origin.
[ 袋子爆炸開放和托馬斯在它發現了一封信件,他好奇地採摘發現它寫由波蘭人婦女移民。他在芝加哥波蘭人社區和它的發源國的度過了以後年收集
口頭報告和書面材料。 ]
4. He utilised a variety of documents
ranging from newspaper reports, archives of organisations, to personal letters and
diaries, which he acquired by placing advertisements in the Chicago Polish-language
press - offering, e.g., 10 to 20 cents per letter sent from Poland.

[ 他運用了各種各樣的文件範圍從報紙報告的,組織檔案,對私人信函和日誌,他通過安置廣告獲取在芝加哥波蘭語言新聞中-提供,即,每封從波蘭送的信10到20分。 ]
參考: me
2008-10-05 8:52 pm
在它裡面發現了一封信,他好奇地挑選 。
2008-10-05 8:50 pm

當步行沿著向下街道在他的家附近在芝加哥時,托馬斯由被投擲了在窗口外面的垃圾袋幾乎擊中。 袋子爆炸開放和托馬斯在它發現了一封信件,他好奇地採摘發現它寫由一個波蘭婦女移民。

他在芝加哥波蘭社區和它的發源國的度過了以後年收集口頭報告和書面材料。 他運用了各種各樣的文件範圍從報紙報告的,組織檔案,對私人信函和日誌,他通過安置廣告獲取在芝加哥擦亮語言新聞中-提供,即,每封從波蘭送的信10到20分。

2008-10-05 12:50:43 補充:
2008-10-05 8:50 pm
根據軼事由托馬斯告訴, 這是_發他使用個人書面材料作為一個ethnographic 來源和開發自傳方法在社會學方面, 以後會建立他持久的名譽在社會學方面的一次完全事故。

當走在街道下在他的家附近在芝加哥, 托馬斯由被投擲了在窗口外面的垃圾袋幾乎擊中了。袋子爆炸開放和托馬斯發現了一封信件在它, 他好奇地採摘發現它由波蘭人婦女移民寫了。

他度過了以後年收集口頭報告和書面材料在芝加哥波蘭人社區和它的發源國。他運用了各種各樣的文件範圍從報紙報告, 組織檔案, 對私人信函和日誌, 他獲取由安置廣告在芝加哥波蘭語言新聞中- 提供, 即, 10 到20 分每信被送從波蘭。


參考: 翻譯軟件

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