Sean is writing a poem about his best friend for his Englist class. Help him to complete the poem.
(1)_____ have a best friend?
Yes, I do.
He is sporty and smart ,
and his frist name is 'Hugh'.
(2)_____ he fun to be with?
Yes, (3)_____ .
(4)_____ play games at my house,
then at his.
(5)_____ make a good pair?
Yes, we do.
We (6)_____ never just one - always two.
Do we argue or fight?
No, (7)_____
We never disagree,
and (8)_____certainly won't.
(9)_____ feel the same way?
Yes, he does.
No need for a reason - just because!
Am I a lucky boy?
Yes, (10)_____ -
the luckiest ever.
Thanks, Hugh Lam!