英國 mba

2008-10-05 8:27 am
我想去英國讀master degree. 但大學成績比較一般, 英文又不太好. 不知什麼比較好的大學會收我. 我是做company secretary的. 想讀完master degree後轉行, 比較想做business consulting的工作, 如 mckinsey, boston consulting group 等. 不知應怎樣選master degree會對 將來career path有幫助? pls help me!! thanks. (不要說 london business school, 因太貴和並不會收我) thanks a lot~~

我已預準$去讀master degree. 我擔心是如何選擇學校. 我還未prepare ielts等exam. 不過上網人們說可以在開課前2,3月去讀pre-master course. 我只是剛轉做comp. sec.的.之前是做business development的. 已到mgt level. 我想在30歲前complete master degree, 同埋try下business consulting 這行. 謝謝

回答 (1)

2008-10-05 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008 Global MBA rankings (U.K.)
2. London Business School
10.University of Cambridge: Judge
19.University of Oxford: Sad
22.Lancaster University Management School
22.Manchester Business School
29.Warwick Business School
30.Cranfield School of Management
30.University of Strathclyde Business School
35.Imperial College London: Tanaka
41.City University: Cass
44.Edinburgh University Management School
48.Leeds University Business School
69.University of Bath School of Management
76.Nottingham University Business School

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