Celine Dion -Surprise Surprise

2008-10-06 7:00 am
Celine Dion - Surprise Surprise這首歌的意思是在講什麼

回答 (2)

2008-10-06 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Surprise surprise 訝異訝異
I told you lies 我對你說謊
I thought the truth would set you free 我以為真相會讓你解脫

Surprise surprise 訝異訝異
It isn't all as it seems 它完全不是它看起來那樣
But who knew you'd wake up from your dreams 但誰知你會從你的夢中覺醒

If I told you myself 如果我自己對你坦白
Could've saved you the hell 可能會讓你從地獄解脫
Now look who's sorry 但看現在是誰感到抱歉
God I'm so sorry 老天 我真的很抱歉
It was never the right time 從來找不到對的時機
I guess it's do or die 我猜它是做或死(不是坦白就是死)

◎Just when you think you've got me figured out 當你以為你已了解我
Just when you think you know me well 當你以為你完全看透我
baby you've barely even broke the ice 寶貝你根本還沒破到冰山一角
My river runs wide and you're not inside 我生命之河奔流廣闊 而你並不在其中
But you're closer than you were tonight 但今晚你比從前都更接近◎

I'm a chameleon 我是調變色龍
And every spots hiding my scars 每個紋點裡都隱藏我的傷口

But I will survive 但我活得下去的
Cause I'll only let you in 因為我只會讓你進入(我的生命)
When I can be sure of who you are 在我能確定你是什麼樣的人時

You can call it a game 你可以稱它是場遊戲
But it's me playing safe 但我是那個步步為營的人
God that's so sorry 老天 這實在太抱歉
I'm just sorry 我只能抱歉
What can I say 我還能說什麼
It's hard trying to stay alive 活下去實在太難


And It's in your eyes 在你的眼中
That it's all or nothing 不是全部就是沒有
What I can't disguise 我不能爭辯的
Is that you're on to something 是你抓到了的一些辮子
if I let myself go 如果我坦白招出
Will you still want me 你還會要我嗎?
Will I be enough 我還會足夠嗎
The fear of that haunts me 那是纏繞著我的恐懼
Cause what if you walk away 因為如果你會為此離去

2014-05-16 12:08 am
歌曲是最有感染力和渗透力的,Jackpop Music HK Ltd. 為你度身訂造你們的婚禮主題曲 My Love Song, 將愛情故事化成旋律、化成歌詞、連MV 拍攝,用作求婚、感激父母及帶給伴侶驚喜,足以令新人及親朋威友一世難忘。新人更可在專業錄音室錄唱 http://www.jackpopmusic.com.hk/eng/service-1.html

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