I hate asking questions like this but.. Do you think he likes me?

2008-10-04 9:34 pm
I like him a lot and I really can't tell. I've known him for 2 years. We've had our ups and downs.

Every time I sign on AIM he INSTANTLY talks to me. I always used to have to start the conversation. Whenever we used to talk, all we would do would be play "awkward questions." But now, he's bringing up all these random topics... Like Sarah Palin and baseball and stuff... I'm thinking this is a way of trying to talk to me no matter what it may be about?

We have one class together. I don't catch him staring like every second, but I have caught him a few times and then he quickly looks away. There's been times where I've caught him, he looks away, but then looks back and we hold eye contact for extended periods of time...

I know this isn't very much info, but do you think he likes me?

回答 (23)

2008-10-04 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yeah I think he does. I personally do this with every girl I like and sadly it never works out. But still I tend to IM them whenever they are on and I always stare at them for brief periods of time. I have a habit of staring at them and baiting them into staring back at me, but at the last moment I turn away to confuse them. Its kinda funny

good luck with your guy

P.S I am a guy btw. So this is all from a guys perspective
2008-10-05 5:47 am
Humans are a polygynous species. He likes you but likes many other women too and would likely opt to have multiple mates.
參考: 1948 bateman study, 1972 robert trivers study, 1978 daly and wilson study.
2008-10-05 4:42 am
Aww its ok u can ask that question!!! Lmao Yes he likes you... WIth that info its obvs he does like u...but with a little more facts/clues we can find out for sure how much he likes u..

Eye contact
AIM conversations

There must be more, so ur good. Just keep talking to him, and chill with him sometime. Have fun with him, get to know him at his best and worst, and just be his good friend. WHo knows what can happen after that??
2008-10-05 4:41 am
There's definitely some kind of liking going on there. Guys are all different, so he may just want to be good friends, or even a puppy love kind of thing?

Staring at you is usually a big key to like liking someone, especially if he looks away when you catch him and then looks back and keeps your gaze. Also being that he IMs you a lot maybe a hint that he likes you.

Try dropping some clues that you like him?
參考: Experience~
2008-10-05 4:41 am
Not enough to go on. But they are definitely good signs.

If you like him a lot, then why not talk to him about it? Better to have a short moment of embarrasment than to constantly regret not asking, right? From what you've said, you've got a pretty good chance.

Good luck with it all =)
2008-10-05 4:40 am
I think he likes you. Why don't you ask him out on a date?
2008-10-05 4:39 am
he likes you i know cause im a boy what you need to do is get alone with him and talk then its easy
2008-10-05 4:39 am
Yes, I think he does. Heh I bet hes been on yahoo answers asking questions like "I want to talk to this girl but i dunno what to talk about, what are some good icebreaking topics". Learn a little bit about something he asks you about and before you know it youll be having in depth conversations, followed by sex. congratulations.
2008-10-05 4:39 am
Sounds like he does!! Just go for it. Sounds like a nice guy.
2008-10-05 4:38 am

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