Economics---basic idea of cost

2008-10-05 7:20 am
The concept of costs

1. In terms of cost, explain why medical doctors in Hong Kong seldom change their occupation.

2. Mrs Lau is a lawyer and is also good at doing housework, but she employs a Filipino maid to
do her housework. In terms of opportunity cost, explain why Mrs Lau employs a Filipino maid
instead of being a full-time housewisf.

回答 (2)

2008-10-09 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 首先,你要答opportunity cost 之定義 (highest-valued option forgone) (如果之前答左就唔洗答) (值1分)
另外,你要答轉職的機會成本(在薪金而論) 可以很高
此外, 一般做醫生的機會成本比做新工作代價是低些的

Opportunity cost is the highest-valued option forgone. In changing
occupation, the opportunity cost of income forgone can be very high
To the doctor, the cost of being a doctor is lower than the cost of
taking up a new occupation.

2. Opportunity cost is the highest-valued option fogone.
Cost of being a housewife (income earned by a lawyer)>
cost of being a lawyer (e.g. payment to a Filipino maid)
2008-10-09 5:28 am
1. For medical doctors, changing their occupation has a high cost ( wage of being a doctor). So they seldom change their occupation.

2. Opportunity cost is the value of the highest-valued option forgone. The cost of being a full-time housewife is the wage of being a lawyer.As the cost of being a full-time housewife is higher than that of employing a Filipino maid, she employs a Filipino maid instead of being a full-time housewife.
參考: Myself

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