chem 07 mc ~~HELP!

2008-10-05 2:55 am
以下兩條題目 可唔可以搵人解釋俾我聽呀??

1)Which of the following pairs of aqueous solutions can be distinguished by using dilute hydrochloric acid?
A.zinc iodide and zinc bromide
B.silver nitrate and magnesium sulphate
C.potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
D.sodium carbonate and calcium hydrogencarbonate

Ans is B.

2)Which of the following substances has a sharp boiling point?
A.petrol wine
C.molten wax
D.liquid ammonia

Ans is D.

回答 (2)

2008-10-19 3:14 am
Ag+ Cl- > AgCl
white ppt formed

A pure substance has a sharp boiling pt
liquid ammonia is a pure substance.It consists of ammonia molecules only
參考: 某書...
2008-10-05 10:31 am
1) PPT o個課 ,
Ag (aq) Cl-(aq) -> AgCl (s)

On the other hand , MgSO4 can't form ppt with HCl
so we can distinguish them

其他三個答案都係得個溶字, 又冇colour change

2) petrol的 boling pt range 係40-170 ,
fractional distillation o個 part 見到其實hydrocarbon的 b.p. range都幾大

red wine 裡面有好多物質 , BP RANGE 都會大

wax is hydrocarbon

liquid ammonia , doesn't contain water
it's pure and has a sharp BP

2008-10-08 02:15:47 補充:
Redox describes all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation number changed.
Recall that , Cl2 + 2KBr -> Br2 + KCl
Cl2 -> 2Cl- , Oxi# : 0 -> -1
but now , the Oxi# of Cl of HCl is -1
Even there is reaction , no change of Oxi# .
so it's not a redox reaction

2008-10-08 02:15:56 補充:
問得好奇怪.. we usually say redox has RA/OA
如果你諗返咁多生字中, 其實都係base on oxidation / reduction
你淨係諗oxidize / reduce 到人地就係 OA / RA
OA / RA undergoes reduction / oxidation
咁就 ok

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