
2008-10-05 1:46 am
1.Can you name six of the world's miost widely known languages?
(a)Ch_ _ _ _ _
(b)En_ _ _ _ _
(c)Hi_ _ _
(d)Fr_ _ _ _
(e)Ru_ _ _ _ _
(f)Sp_ _ _ _ _

2.Can you name five of the world's top universities?
(a)Ox_ _ _ _
(b)Cam_ _ _ _ _ _
(c)M.I. _ .
(d)Har_ _ _ _
(e)Ya_ _

回答 (5)

2008-10-05 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.Can you name six of the world's miost widely known languages?


2.Can you name five of the world's top universities?

2008-10-04 18:40:46 補充:
Chinese = 中文 / English = 英文 / Hindi = 印地語 (北印度方言) / French = 法文 / Russian = 俄羅斯文 / Spanish = 西班牙文
Oxford = 牛津大學 / Cambridge = 劍橋大學 / M.I.T. = Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工學院 / Harvard = 哈佛大學 / Yale = 耶魯大學
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-10-05 8:06 pm
1.Can you name six of the world's miost widely known languages?


2.Can you name five of the world's top universities?
(c)M.I.T .
參考: me
2008-10-05 2:36 am
Chinese 中文/漢語
English 英文
Hindi 北印度語
French 法文
Russian 俄文

Oxford 牛津
Cambridge 劍橋
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (aka: M.I.T.) 麻省理工
Harvard 哈佛
Yale 耶魯

I hope all these are correct, but you can check it by yourself~
參考: me
2008-10-05 2:35 am
The most widely spoken languages:
C - Hindi
E - RussianThe world's top universities:
C - University of Michigan
D - Harvard
E - Yale
2008-10-05 2:31 am
1. Can you name six of the world's most widely known languages?

[Given blanks filled]

(a) Chinese

(b) English

(c) Hindi

(d) French

(e) Russian

(f) Spanish

2. Can you name five of the world's top universities?

[Given blanks filled]

(a) Oxford

(b) Cambridge

(c) M.I.T.

(d) Harvard

(e) Yale


參考: FMIR

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