
2008-10-04 9:18 am
我有個客人, 話佢係加拿大paypal戶口已經轉左帳比我香港的paypal, 不過我係paypal戶口中睇唔唔到有增加金錢。
但係個客就話已經扣左佢數, 叫我寄左貨比佢先,
但係我冇係paypal寄收款信比佢, 佢都可以轉帳D錢比我架咩?

我比左個paypal戶口名佢, 佢都可以轉帳??

[email protected] on behalf of [email protected]®. Paypal Team ([email protected])


Dear Valued Customer,

We are sure that you have received a payment notification email from us, regarding the payment that was sent to you by Miss Latoya Holeman.

The payment has been successfully approved, So you have to ship out the item and send us the Shipment Tracking Number in the next 24 HRS before your account can be credited, Once you have shipped the item send us the shipment tracking number for verification and after the number has been verified, your account will be credited as fast as possible, due to SECURITY PURPOSE, we are taking this measure in order to protect both our sellers and buyers against fraudulent activities customers.

This PayPal® Payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "Approved"but will not be credited to your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for shipment verification so as to secure both the buyer and the seller.These are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited.

Delivery Information:
Name: George Bright
Address: No. 54 Adeyi Avenue, Bodija
State: OYO
Zip code:23402
TEL: +2348060221584

Address Status:Confirmed

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team.


回答 (4)

2008-10-04 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
唉....全部都係假咖, 千其唔好寄嘢出去, 又話者比出你嘅 Paypal 密碼, 唔好經佢比你嘅連結去 Paypay. 嗰個連結都係假咖, 係呃你咖.

想知多啲開於呢類嘅騙案, 响知識+搜尋"paypal"啦, 我答過無數次呢種騙案, 全部呃人咖.


2008-10-04 02:07:11 補充:
想知道封嘢係咪真係 Paypal 比你, 有一樣嘢一定睇到, 佢寫信比你一定有你响 Paypal 登記嘅全名. 唔係乜嘢 Dear Customer.
2009-01-21 11:08 pm


2008-10-07 3:54 am
if you give your paypal email address, they can transfer money from their paypal( no matter where they register) to your paypal account.

HK paypal account only mean the fund can be converted to your HK base account.

and the fund must show up in your account and if you didnt receive paypal email ( dont only trust the email anyway) , always check your account and see if fund is there.

FYI even money credited into your account from credit card paypal, the buyer can still chargeback the fund through paypal or credit card company due to different reason.

and the email he forwarded to you is fake. the real one doesnt format like this. you can always forward the email to paypal to double check.
2008-10-04 4:01 pm

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