please help me

2008-10-04 9:01 am
Can anyone make a sentence with (all the same),(all the time)and (above)

回答 (5)

2008-10-09 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The colour tones of Seven Eleven shops are all the same, with round the clock service provided all the time and the above two characteristics can also be found in all Seven Eleven shops in China.
2008-10-04 9:51 pm
All McDonald restaurants are all the same, serving the same food quality all the time which is never above the average.
2008-10-04 12:30 pm
Although she means to me, I respect her all the same.
Mary talks the same subject all the time.
Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.
2008-10-04 12:22 pm
1. The boy looks like all the same as his father.

2. I miss you all the time.

3. The sentences listed above are correct.
2008-10-04 10:43 am
He's a bit naughty, but I like him all the same.

Conditions are changing all the time.

They are children above six years old.
參考: myself

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