”You are what you eat.”的中文意思是什麼?

2008-10-04 8:57 am

回答 (5)

2008-10-04 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are what you eat : just a direct meaning of the sentence.
Example :
If you eat fatty food, you will become fat.
If you eat healthy food, you will become healthy.
So whatever you eat now will become part of you in the future.
參考: Myself
2008-10-16 3:02 am
Actually we must consider the CONTEXT of the TV programme, NOT just the five words that get together.

2008-10-15 19:03:36 補充:
Therefore, either 002 or 003 may be right. But we haven't got the TV program to check so it's hard to judge.) Please take a look at the following page:


2008-10-15 19:21:11 補充:
One more thing: the host also might not know the original meaning of the quote but when talking about someone's eating habit, but he / she mistakenly uses that quote to describe. If so, then 002's answer to the question is right.

2008-10-15 19:21:21 補充:
Also, even if the host knows the original meaning, he/she might choose not to stick to it, but use that same phrase to refer to another situation.

2008-10-15 19:28:04 補充:
so conclusion is that: if, for example, the host thinks Norwegians are fat because they take too much fat, then 002's interpretation is right. but if the host just wants to say that the Norwegians are friendly people coz they often take sweet things, then 003 is correct!
2008-10-06 7:16 am
hyperpork講得對,This is my comment.
2008-10-04 11:25 am
"You are what you eat." 其實是指食物可以反映人的性格。

一個人的性格不多不少可以從他/她的生活習慣反映出來, 而由於"食"佔人生很重要的一部份, 所以從一個人對"食"的態度和食物的喜愛往往可以看到他/她的性格。例如: 喜歡吃辣的人通常比較熱情和有忍耐力, 喜歡吃甜的人比較友善和重感情等等。

2008-10-04 03:33:29 補充:
如果你有看過日本的 "料理鐵人", 節目開始時總會有一句 "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.", 這是法國著名美食家 Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 的名句。這句的基本意思和 "You are what you eat" 是一樣的。
參考: Not from any non-sense online translators, nor brainless translation machines.
2008-10-04 9:30 am
參考: ...

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