請問有冇人係 澳門皇都酒店 or 澳門利澳酒店 住過?

2008-10-04 8:02 am
請問有冇人係 澳門皇都酒店 or 澳門利澳酒店 住過? 好唔好啊? 房間乾淨 嗎? 近唔近去玩去食果 d地方? tkx

回答 (3)

2008-10-04 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
皇都 和 利奧酒店價錢差少少 100-200 左右

皇都是一間老牌酒店, 好舊, 房間有部份翻新過;

但感覺似 3星以下酒店, 行街唔多就腳, 其位置在

半山腰, 要出市中心都要行十幾廿分鐘

利奧酒店夠新, 唔夠十年, 房間乾淨整齊, d 床 size 夠大

足 2個人睡, 早餐都不錯, 行街食野好就腳

是市中心的集中地, 近漁人碼頭, 金沙, 行 8-10分就到鬧市

只差 100-200 的價錢, 一定會考慮住利奧
2008-10-04 6:09 pm
澳門皇都酒店 & 澳門利澳酒店 我都住過. 不過, 皇都酒店係松山, 好唔方便, 而且都幾舊.... 相比, 澳門利澳酒店就好新, 而且, 好方便.
2008-10-04 8:53 am
皇都酒店 is near東望洋燈塔(松山). Not very convenient. Only one bus pass by the hotel. If you do not want to take taxi all the time, then it is not so good to choose this hotel. Since it is up on the hill so whenever you want to walk back to the hotel it is quite tired. Around the hotel are some small 茶餐廳. 唔近去玩去食果 d地方. But 房間乾淨. It is a 5 stars hotel only because of the swimming pool. Nowadays many Mainland Chinese tour group is using the hotel so the hotel is getting a bit worn out. My experience of the hotel is so so.

利澳酒店 address : 新口岸高美士街. More convenient then 皇都酒店 since it is near 新口岸. You can actually walk to the down town 去玩去食果 d地方. Only problem is that around the hotel is quite quiet, so not many places to go until you go to the down town. In any case it is better than皇都酒店 and their房間乾淨. It is only 4 stars but it is new and the hotel facilities are good. My experience is good. But their price is more expensive than 皇都.

參考: Own experience

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