Please...take away my money!!?

2008-10-03 9:03 pm
I'm new to yahoo answers, when I first saw this site I thought this would give me great advice. My problem is...I want to be normal. My dad owns some company and both my parents are rich. I thought it was great and fun...all the things our family did together. But now as I'm older...I SICK of it!!

My dad is never home and my mum is always out...I'm 14 and left at home with the dog. I get sent to a private school, but I have no friends. I don't do ANYTHING wrong. My dad HAS to take the helicopter to work and i get dropped at school in it. Everyday i insist we take the car. But we never do.

I don't care about the house, the money, the pool...NOTHING!! I want to be normal. I want to be loved and have friends. I don't want to be misjudged becasue of money ANY MORE.

Is there ANY way I can't "loose" it. And be a normal person like you all. Any advise would be great! Thanks for your time....

回答 (14)

2008-10-03 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sh*t... you think you have problems? My dad took me to school in a space ship! Talk about too much money! Unfortunately, when he died, he left me an inheritance.. I took up drinking and drugs... maybe you could do the same? I'm broke as f*ck now!
2008-10-03 9:12 pm
How do you now the rest of us on here aren't rich? Do you think only poor people come to yahoo answers? Do you think people with loads of money aren't normal?

Sounds like you've got a vivid imagination and are watching too much TV :)
2008-10-03 11:52 pm
That is remarkable that you take a helicopter to school. How did you ever get the permits for a helipad? Contact some helipad consultants, and sell them your secrets. You will be richer than your dad!
2008-10-03 10:46 pm
Trust me, be happy with what you got. I have to live in a runt down trailer, the floor is caving in, cockroaches are everywhere, everything breaks down, I can't go anywhere and do anything because we can't afford it. I have to use the twenty dollars I get on my birthday, plus the twenty dollars from Christmas to buy clothes for myself, and barely that! Be happy with what you have, some people don't have it.
2008-10-03 9:39 pm
You ride a helicopter to school... that's believable.

Be a good person and donate it to the ASPCA.
2008-10-03 9:17 pm
You are a normal person like..."us all". That is not your money, that is your parents money, you are just getting the benefits of their hard work. Loosing the money is not your problem, you are. You know, if you have a hard time making friends, mom and dad is gone all the time and you can make most of the choices that you want, how about volunteering? You would not believe how many hospitals with children who are dying of cancer, or nursing homes with folks whose kids don't come to see them because they are too busy or don't care. Put yourself into being useful to others. Help others. Remember Princess Di? Remember how she was so rich and powerful yet she chose to spend her time not taking about how rich she was, but of helping those who couldn't help themselves. Why Not? What do you have to loose? Good Luck to you and God Bless
2008-10-03 9:17 pm
Instead of going with the helicopter, get up a half hour early and walk/ride your bike to school.

Buy your own clothes.

Be open with people, don't let the fact that you have money get in the way of friendship. True friends won't care.
參考: :)
2008-10-03 9:14 pm
That's rough. Have you tried talking to your parents about how you feel? Then maybe they'd understand better. Why is it that you don't have any friends? Do you do things at your school, like sports or a club or something like that? That would help you meet people, and doing things together will help them forget that you're rich. Just talk about the things they talk about. If you meet someone who seems nice, go see a funny movie or something. Just try not to talk about stuff that has to do with money, because that makes people uncomfortable no matter how rich or poor you are!
2008-10-03 9:38 pm
seeing that youre only 14, theres really not much you can do without alarming the police, even if you run away and have the money to pay the rent and stuffs, you cant quite legally do so for youre still underage, but if you throw away the money, how do you pay the rent? anyway, since youre not trying to run away, lets go back to the original discussion.

it seems quite awkward to me going to school in a helicopter, i would be embrarassed myself, but as long as you arent old enough to get your own driving licence, youre stucked with your dads toy heli.

the best you can do is just to act normal, i mean act as in, behave and talk, not act as in an actor, it isnt your fault if youre parents are rich or poor, one cant choose their parents.

tho i dont see why people should misjudge you, you dont seem to me having an attitude at all, nor snobby in any way, it just takes time for people to get to know each other.

i used to teach at a private school, too, and i remember a girl who had also no friend, but its really because shes condescending, whether shes conscious of it or not, so watch out you dont fall in that trap, god bless you!
2016-05-30 3:45 am
I'm actually pretty frugal. When I have to use the ATM, I always take the maximum amount to avoid paying any more fees that necessary. I do like a good brew. My life wouldn't be worth living without an occasional stout or porter. Not guilty of the rest. I cycle instead of driving when possible. I seldom eat out, and I have learned to prepare just the right amount of food, to prevent waste. I guess I'm pretty damned cheap, aren't I? I've lived quite well at 1/2 my state's poeverty level for the last 15 years of my retirement. Never felt better or been happier.

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