
2008-10-04 3:43 am
1.Point out that Hong Kong's manufacturing industries developes rapidly after the Second World War,but during the 1970s,had to face many difficulties.
2.List the problem faces by Hong Kong's manufacturing industries during the 1970s.
3.Explain how Hong Kong's manufacturing industries reponded by developing technological-based industries and moving factories to the mainland.
4.Explain the faact that Hong Kong began to develop the financial sector after the 1970s,and took advantage of China's Policy of Reform and Opening-up to re-develop entrepot trade.


回答 (1)

2008-10-05 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 因為中國有大量資金和技術在中國解放後流入香港, 同時中國開始閉關自守, 所以, 香港的製造業在戰後急速發展. 在七十年代, 香港的製造業面對貿易保護主義的影響和石油危機所影響. 有些企業因此倒閉
2. 貿易保護主義, 例如成衣配額. 石油危機令成本上漲, 利率高企令融資成本高.
3. 香港在七十年發展了電子業, 鐘錶業和玩具業, 在這三個領域都成了世界前列. 後來, 中國經濟改革, 開放給香港工廠北移, 因此大量工廠搬到了珠江三角洲.
4. 由於在六七十年代香港在製造業方面賺了大量的錢, 因而可以發展金融業. 同時, 由於工廠北移, 香港亦從生產地變成中國貨品出口的轉口港.

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