
2008-10-04 2:08 am
1.i'm sorry. It's too difficult for ___
2.your mother is good at english . Show the book to ___.
3. Let me look at __. I love grammar.


回答 (7)

2008-10-04 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. me
2. her
3. it

simple pronouns 有 I, me, We, us, You, you, He, him, She, her, They, them, It, it. 而 You 包括單數(你)或眾數(你們), 主詞和受詞: I have a car. Teacher tells me.

relative pronouns 有 my, our, your, his, her, their, its. 如: China is my nation.

reciprocal pronouns 有 myself, ourselves, himself, herself, theirselves, itself. 如: I do it myself.

possessive pronouns 有 mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs, its. 如: The pencils is (belongs to) mine.
2008-10-05 9:48 pm
1.i'm sorry. It's too difficult for (me).

2.your mother is good at english . Show the book to (her).

3. Let me look at (it). I love grammar.
2008-10-04 5:07 pm
唔好意思呀...唔知你係唔係讀<德蘭中學> , 因為我係果到 F. 1 學生...在我的 Grammar Book 有出呢題 :

1.I'm sorry. It's too difficult for < me > .

2.your mother is good at english . Show the book to < her >.

3.Let me look at < it >. I love grammar.

唔知岩唔岩呢,因為我的英文老師 < Miss Wong >話我係岩。

2008-10-04 22:19:17 補充:
有 I, me, We, us, You, you, He, him, She, her, They, them, It, it

relative pronouns my, our, your, his, her, their, its

reciprocal pronouns myself, ourselves, himself, herself, theirselves, itself

possessive pronouns mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs, its
參考: me (coco), me
2008-10-04 4:00 am
1. me
2. her
3. it
參考: none
2008-10-04 3:32 am
1. me
2. her
3. it
參考: me
2008-10-04 2:11 am


2008-10-03 18:12:17 補充:

參考: myself
2008-10-04 2:10 am

參考: -

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