Virgos/ and other signs what do you like...?

2008-10-02 9:14 pm
About a Pisces woman or Pisces male? Ill also take what other signs have to say too.

Make sure you list your sign.

回答 (7)

2008-10-02 9:42 pm
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Their selflessness

2008-10-03 4:19 am
they're fishy?
參考: libra
2008-10-03 5:11 am
Their one of the nicest person you'll meet. Willing to help others when needed. As far as relationships, its good but sometimes they can be a bit self centered...
參考: Im a VIRGO
2008-10-03 6:34 am
I'm a Virgo, and Pisces are the sweetest, most generous people ever. Pisces is my favourite sign.
參考: Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Taurus ascendant.
2008-10-03 6:11 am
I think they're nice in general, and I tend to click with them. They are a bit too self-centred in my opinion, though, like someone said. Um, and they either have a super crazy imagination, or they have very romanticized ideas about somethings.

See how that's totally opposite to the typical Virgo? I do have one hell of an imagination, but it was nothing like this guy I knew who thought of the craziest ideas to commit suicide! (Including one that involved a rope, a roller coaster and a thin, sharp wire.)

Yeah well, I liked the guy, though, LOL. And my cousin's the one with the really romanticized idea of things.
參考: Virgo
2008-10-03 5:09 am
all fishes are a confused lot males and females that's why fish mate in the Ocean outside each other hopefully

then as they r a dual sign they go there own ways too
2008-10-03 4:54 am
pisces men r great n bed and pisces gals r good friends. im a Cap.

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