
2008-10-02 5:59 pm
咁我有塊白板喇,用個d擦擦極都係咁污糟,於是我就用松節水去抺,好得添.不過抺完就出事喇,d松節水起埋塊白板d薄膜,起到一條條痕.請問咁樣仲有無得救呢? 仲有就係有d咩嘢會比松節水更安全去清潔到但又唔傷到佢嘅嘢呢?

回答 (2)

2008-10-02 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可到實惠買一枝 De-slov-it 它可以清除黏點和油漬 (Natural Citrus咁橘 Base - environmental) $78 per bottle (大)

Removes sticky spots & stains

1 Remove Chewing Gum

2 Crayon Mark

3 Price Stickers

4 White board stains.

5. Soap Scum.

Made in Austrialua.


2008-10-02 10:20:01 補充:
還有百佳, 日本城。 有埋 Hotline Enq : 2549 4888 (香港泰登國際有限公司)
參考: , I use it in my office. :)
2008-10-02 6:21 pm
Can't use 松節水 because it will dissolve the coatinglayer of the white board. Try alcohol (i.e. the ethanol being stored in your first aid box) next time la......

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