请问一下“a hit of acid”及“smoke a joint”是甚广意思?谢谢

2008-10-02 5:29 pm
"I've been doing the Fonda workout: The Peter Fonda workout. That's where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and go to my sister's house and ask her for money."
-- Kevin Meaney

回答 (2)

2008-10-07 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
take a hit of acid的意思是吸食迷幻藥藥丸,即廣東話的啪丸.而smoke ajoint的意思是吸食大麻,即廣東話的隊草.2個都是美式俚語.take a hit of acid,smoke a joint.啪丸隊草的意思.
2008-10-07 4:59 am

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