
2008-10-02 5:16 am

回答 (9)

2008-10-02 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果可以回到那天,我一定不會犯那錯 :
If I could return to that day, I definitely would not have committed that mistake !

2008-10-11 23:44:48 補充:
May be you should do more conditionAL sentence(no s) exercise, then you will find a sentence (no s) using (not is use) could.
參考: Myself
2008-10-12 6:09 am
要表達 "不可能", 若講假如我是你, 就說 if i were you, 但若是表達不可能做到的事, 就可用 could / would + infinitive 來表達, 所以 if i could do ... 是正確的寫法.

2008-10-11 22:10:14 補充:
R Kelly 有一首歌叫做 If I COULD turn back the hands of time, 有興趣可聽聽.

2008-10-11 22:13:43 補充:
另有一首歌80年代歌曲叫做 Turn back the clock (by Johnny Hates Jazz), 歌詞中有這樣的句子: I wish that I COULD turn back the clock, ....... [go] back to the place where .....

2008-10-11 22:23:07 補充:
I think the answer CAN be ...

If I could go back to that day, I would not make the mistake.

(would not +infinitive)

2008-10-13 09:49:35 補充:
If you burn an ant, it dies. (Type 1)
If you burn this ant, it will die soon. (Type 2)
If I were you, I would not do any childish things like that. (Type 3)
If I had burnt this ant, this ant would have died already. (Type 4)

2008-10-13 09:52:28 補充:
so there are 4 types

2008-10-13 09:52:58 補充:
but some grammar books may say "0, 1, 2, 3"

2008-10-13 10:01:53 補充:
If I were 的不可能, .... 用於 unreal PRESENT 是正確.

但 If I could do something 用來講發問者的意思, 絕對可以. 之前的意見已舉出兩首英文歌的例子說明了.
2008-10-04 10:57 pm
If may return to that day, I certainly cannot violate that am wrong
參考: me
2008-10-04 7:13 am
If I could return to the past on that day, I would not have made the same mistake again.
2008-10-02 5:00 pm
In case I were back to that day, I should not have made that mistake.

2008-10-02 09:34:04 補充:
用 "were", 因為係冇可能嘅寫法

I should not have made that mistake - 句面指我不應再犯那錯 (但喻意指事實上我已犯了那錯)

正如問者原意若時光倒流回那天, 就一定不會犯那錯, 其實言下之意指已錯了!

2008-10-13 00:23:45 補充:

There are three types of the if-clauses.

type condition
I condition possible to fulfill
II condition in theory possible to fulfill
III condition not possible to fulfill (too late)

2008-10-13 00:23:54 補充:
type if clause main clause
I Simple Present will-future (or Modal + infinitive)
II Simple Past would + infinitive *
III Past Perfect would + have + past participle *
2008-10-02 6:26 am
If can get back to that day , I will certainly not make that fault
參考: Microsoft Word
2008-10-02 5:37 am
If I could relive that day, I would certainly / for sure not make / be making the same mistake.


參考: FMIR
2008-10-02 5:35 am
If I could go back that day, I would never make that mistake
2008-10-02 5:20 am
If I could go back that day, I would not make that mistake.

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