
2008-10-02 3:59 am
We may be buying a new house同
We may buy a new house.意思上有咩唔同,,,
同埋may could 後面d動詞唔係唔使轉咩?..

He avoided giving me a definite answer.<--呢句係Gerund??
He avoided to give me a definite answer.咁同呢句有咩唔同...

It is of great importance fighting against pollution.<--
這一句說是運用了gerund ...係米因為句子已經有is 呢個verb 所以要將其他verb都轉晒做gerund??

Fishing in this lake is forbidden.
To Fish in this lake is forbidden.意思一唔一樣?
Sorry...grammer超差..望高手指教 感激

回答 (1)

2008-10-02 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
We may be buying a new house同
We may buy a new house.意思上有咩唔同,,,
同埋may could 後面d動詞唔係唔使轉咩?..

兩句意思係一樣,係第一句因為BE 係動詞,所以後面既BUY 要轉做ING FORM.
無錯,MAY 同COULD 後面係唔需要轉,但係第一句度,由於有BE 呢個動詞,BUY 一定要轉 ING FORM.

He avoided giving me a definite answer.<--呢句係Gerund??
He avoided to give me a definite answer.咁同呢句有咩唔同..

兩句意思都係一樣,只係用咗唔同既GRAMMER. 第一句係ING FORM第二句係用咗TO INFITY.

It is of great importance fighting against pollution.<--
這一句說是運用了gerund ...係米因為句子已經有is 呢個verb 所以要將其他verb都轉晒做gerund??


Fishing in this lake is forbidden.
To Fish in this lake is forbidden.意思一唔一樣?

意思一樣,但係GRAMMER用法有唔同,第一句係FISHING 開頭,由於FISHING 係解釣魚,係一個動作,所有英文句子如果係要動作開頭既一定要用ING FORM. 所以你睇到呢句後面係有個IS 做返動詞。\但係To Fish in this lake is forbidden....好抱歉,我好似未見過呢個句子結構........我諗你都係用返Fishing in this lake is forbidden好啲

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