急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我想問下Stories from Other Lands 係講咩?..

2008-10-02 1:09 am
我想問下Stories from Other Lands 係講咩?..

明天hand in

回答 (1)

2008-10-02 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案

For example :

Horrible Vicky is the king of all monster's goblins. He and his monster goblins have captured the eight magical birds away. Bobb and Crabbs must fly to the Clamstone Island and bring them to the Birdy Palce.

This is the introduction only.

Here are some more hints :
The crabs Crabb and Bobb wre young crabs that explore everywhere.
One day, they wandered to Clamstone Island. they rested on one of its beaches, the Golden Shell Beach. Suddenly, they heard something shouting. It was quited high pitched so it possibly could not be a human.......

Bobb wanted to search for more magical birds when he realised that Crabb's capsule was not there. If he left Crabb in the forest, Bobb would meet more and more troubles without him....

The crabs sent Wanacan back. "Oh, thank you very much!" the queen bowed. She gave each of the crabs something. It was an invitation. "Welcome to Birdy Palace any time, Bye!" The queen added

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