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英語的動詞 verb 是有時間性的, 不同時間是有不同寫法。時間祇分:
過去, 以前 past ( I went to the library yesterday )
現在, 常常 present ( I go to the library everyday)
將來, 以後 future ( I will go to the library tomorrow)
past, present, future, 又再各細分為 進行式, continuous, 即係個動作係連續的,不斷的, 例如
past continuous ( I was going to the library yesterday when I was sick)胙天正當我去緊圖書館時我正在生病
present continuous ( I am going to the library when I am sick) 我現在去緊圖書館時我正在生病
future continuous ( I will be going to the library even when I am sick)就算我有病我都將要去圖書館
用continuous表示有其他事情一起發生以作比較, 所以用continuous式一定有上句或下句一齊才能表達正在進行中的動作。而future continuous 式用法和理解比較複雜,最好請教你的老師
past, present, future 又再分為 完成式, perfect, 即係個動作係剛剛,剛才發生的,已經, 例如:
past perfect ( I had gone to the library yesterday when I was sick)我昨天當我生病時已經去過圖書館
present perfect ( I have gone to the library when I am sick) 當我生病時已經去過圖書館
future perfect ( I will have gone to the library if I am not sick)我如果唔係病左, 我就已經去左圖書館
而 futureperfect 式用法和理解也是比較複雜,最好也請教你的老師。
present, past, perfect
go went gone (上面例子)
do did done
see saw seen
報章新聞多是過去的事情, 所以多是過去式
不知我表達得好唔好,O K 嗎?