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halo, 我係係英國讀書的, 希望幫到你丫 =]
想問你有冇係CE讀過maths? 係maths定係a.maths? 如果有的話, 有d英國既大學都係會睇的, 所以唔駛咁擔心的... 但係呢, 如果可以的話, suggest你報埋GCE既maths, 因為咁佢俾offer你個機會會高d的, 如果你係以A-level成績入, 其實係冇問題的, 因為呢, 有大學都會知道hk既AL同英國既GCE係唔同的, 所以佢地個offer亦都會因為咁而調較好的...
如果你覺得而家既功課係應付到既話, 你係可以考埋GCE佢既, 如果唔係, 個壓力都幾大下架, 因為GCE AL係有6個 (有d係4個) modules要考的, 如果一次過要考哂, 就會有d難度... 如果你要考, 可以係一月或者係6月考, 但個人覺得你6月考會比較好, 因為而家要報架啦, 同埋個時間會好趕的... 而IELTS幾時考都ok, 因為佢幾時都可以考試的, 不過suggest盡快考左佢, 因為如果要retake (touchwood)都可以有幾時chance丫嘛....
而邊間uni好, 個人覺得都係果d出名既, 好似LSE, warwick咁, lse就會貴d, 話哂都係係london嘛, 而warwick個環境就會好d, 而bristol同bath都可以考慮, 佢地個living expense都唔係話好貴的, 而學校既設施都幾好的, 不錯.....
而家要prepare既係ref. letter一封, 係學校俾你的, 仲有你既成績表既copy, 同埋要搵一個agent, 因為你要俾呢d野佢佢先可以幫到你的, 仲有自己寫俾大學既一封信, 講下點解你想入, 就好似personal statement一樣的 =] 如果唔搵agent, 你都可以用ucas黎報既, 不過自己一個整overseas, 就會比較麻煩的...
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩問題再email我丫 =]
2008-10-11 00:19:24 補充:
Actually, I am not suggest you to take the foundation course coz that will take more time be4 you actually you go to uni and yet, GCSE maths is not that hard as they are all like F.2-F.3 stuff in Hong Kong and yet some of the GCE maths stuff are all AMaths and Maths standard <- HKcee,
2008-10-11 00:19:36 補充:
I strongly recommend you to take the HKAL then apply to straight to a degree programme in Warwick, that will be better =] coz u wum be wasting time for the foundation course =]
2008-10-11 00:19:39 補充:
The difference between Bsc and Ba is that Ba has more to do with writting and BSc is just more 'Maths' based, that only depends on what modules are you gonna choose reli =]