f,4 chem,,,about chem formulae and colors.

2008-10-01 8:33 pm
Write the names and chemical formulae of the compounds containing the following ions. State their colours in solid state.

a) Magnesium ion and chromate ion
b) Hydrogenphosphate ion and sodium ion
c) Ammonium ion and Carbonate ion
d) Nitrite ion and Copper(II) ion

回答 (1)

2008-10-01 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) Magnesium ion and chromate ion
MgCrO4 Magnesium Chromate Yellow

b) Hydrogenphosphate ion and sodium ion
Na2HPO4 Sodium hydrogenphosphate Colourless

c) Ammonium ion and Carbonate ion
(NH4)2CO3 Ammoniium carbonate Colourless

d) Nitrite ion and Copper(II) ion
Cu(NO3)2 Copper(II) nitrate Blue

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