
2008-10-01 7:31 pm
1.today was first school football practice of the new term.there were a lot of
2new faces ih the team because some of our old members have leave the team.
3our old coach, mr lam, also retires at the end of last term. our new coach is
7called mr lee. i hpe that he'llhelp us become very good team. we had lots
5of questions to ask our new coach. mike asks him what he thought of our team.
6he replied that you could do well if we worked hard. we all groaned when he
7sail that! then danny asked him what your favourite team was.he gave a very
8good reply. he said that from then on, i would only support us!we were all
9pleasad to hear that. next sam asked him he played football himself. he told
10us that he enjoyed play football very much,but he wasn't a very good player.
11that wasm't ture! he played with us for a short while during practice but it was
12obvious that he was very skilful.joe asked him how can we could become as
13good as him. he says that it was easy-we had to train train hard, keep fit and go to
14the bed early.at the end of practice, he told us that he was thinking of organising
15a competition with some schools in our area. he asked us do we wanted to take
16part in it.of course we all say yes!


回答 (1)

2008-10-01 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2) leave - left
3) retires - retired
4) becom - to become
7) was - is
8) i - he
10) wasn't - isn't
11) ture - true
12) cross out 'could'
13) says - said

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