what the meaning of 'last,but not the least' ?

2008-10-01 7:29 pm
what the meaning of 'last,but not the least' ?

answer the 問題 please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

問題分數: 5

回答 (2)

2008-10-01 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
西人在正式場合中, 向在座賓客介紹一些人物, 到要介紹最後的那一位時, 通常都会這樣講...."Last, but not least, I'd like to introduce/call upon/present Mr.XYX......."
表示最後這位人士, 並非地位最低的而已!

2008-10-02 12:49:55 補充:
當然, last, but not least 除了指人之外, 指事情也可以的!
參考: 靠估, 靠撞
2008-10-01 7:36 pm
參考: self

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