
2008-10-01 8:15 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-02 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
不銹鋼用鋼絲擦擦, 會使表面易有花痕, 日後煮食時, 很容易
煲濃的, 而你再用鋼絲擦再擦會形成更多痕, 更易污糟. 一個
清潔保養好不銹鋼煲, 馬用十年以上, 如果你繼續用這方法
來洗, 你很快就要買一新煲.

回答你所問, 這樣擦, 亦不會導致有致癌物質出現的.
2008-10-01 4:29 pm
2008-10-01 8:19 am
Stainless steel are alloy of metal and is not cancer causing agent.
But if there is plastic coating on the stanless steel, it may cause cancer
depending on what type of plastic coating was used.
參考: I perform food cotact container test in laboratory

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