To convert the decimal to a percentage:
1. Take the decimal value: 0.55555...
2. Multiply by 100: 0.55555... * 100 = 55.5555...
(HINT: Remember that per cent literally means "per 100")
(HINT: Multiplying by 100 moves the decimal point 2 places to the RIGHT)
3. Round this up to the nearest hundredths place, tenths place, or whole number if needed.
Rounded to the nearest hundredths place: 55.56
Rounded to the nearest tenths place: 55.6
Rounded to the nearest whole number: 56
3. Add the % sign:
55.56% (when rounded to the nearest hundredths place)
55.6% (when rounded to the nearest tenths place)
56% (when rounded to the nearest whole number)