F.4 chem,,,

2008-10-01 6:20 am
Which substance exists as a liquid at -90度 and 1 atm pressure?

a. Argon
b. Bromine
c. Chlorine
d. Sulphur dioxide

please explain.....

回答 (1)

2008-10-01 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, when the substance is at a environment in which the temperature is lower than the melting point, then the substance exists in the form of solid.

When it is at a temperature higher than the melting point, while is lower than the boiling point, then it exists as a liquid form.

When it is higher than the boiling point, then it is a gas form.

Now compare the temperature -90*C with the melting points and the boiling points of the substances.

For argon, the temperature is higher than the boiling point (-90*C > -186*C), so it exists as a gas.

For bromine, the temperature is lower than the melting point (-90*C < -7*C), so it exists as a solid.

For chlorine, the temperature is between the melting point and the boiling point (-101*C < -90*C < -35*C), so it exists as a liquid.

For sulphur dioxide, the temperature is lower than the melting point (-90*C < -75*C), so it exists as a solid.

Therefore, the ans is C.

參考: Myself~~~

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