f.4,,,chem....about hydrogen ion.

2008-10-01 6:13 am
Which of the following particles is/are present in a hydrogen ion?

1) Proton
2) Neutron
3) Electron

A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

Please explain...
I really wanna know how the ans come...

回答 (2)

2008-10-01 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is A (1) only.


First, in a hydrogen atom, there is no neutron because it's atomic number and mass number are 1.

Secondly, And the atomic number represent the number of proton that the atom contain.

Third, the number of neutron is equal to mass number - number of proton, that mean 1-1=0, so it does n't contain any neutron.

And then, how about the electon. The reaction of hydrogen ion form is a oxidation reaction. What does it mean. It means the hydrohen will release electron to form an ion. Hydrogen atom contain one electron only due o the atomic number, so when it form hydrogen ion, no electron is left. So no electron is present in the hydrogen ion.

And the atomic number is represented to the number of proton.

So finally the answer must be A.

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參考: By my own chemistry knowledge.
2008-10-01 6:47 am
Hydrogen ion mean H

In Hydrogen atom, there are 1 proton and 1 electron.

After losing the only electron, there is only 1 Proton


But this question is poor, as hydrogen has a isotopes (Deuterium)

Deuterium has 1proton, 1 neutron and electron

Deuterium ion has 1 proton and 1neutron.
參考: myself

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