About E-Banking

2008-10-01 1:56 am
advantages and disadvantages of E-Banking.Please use English to answer the

回答 (2)

2008-10-05 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

Advantages of e-banking:
1) Convenience
- can use banking service without queueing up, that save a lot of time
- no need to physically present to the branch of bank
- can use banking service any time and anywhere as long as you can access to internet
- can search for a lot of information yourself without asking bank staff for help
2) lower cost and higher return
- usually bank will offer a cheaper charging rate for service through e-banking
- usually bank will give a higher interest rate on deposit through e-banking
3) no embarrasement if you need a lot of service and information
- you can access the e-banking as long as you can. you do not need to worry about occupying the counter too long or asking too much that make the other people in the queue feel unhappy

1) Hacker may attack banking system that you will suffer loss
2) The company you use should be equipped with proper security to prevent some other people steal your password
3) Fail to remember password will lead to unable to use the e-banking
4) System may have maintenance time or failure time
5) If too many people access to e-banking at the same time, the system can be very slow or even dead

2008-10-01 7:21 am
- convenient
- people dont have to queue up and wait
- more efficient

- system might go wrong
- people might make up fake E-banking to cheat people
- people with no computers cannot enjoy this E-banking
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:10:29
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