✔ 最佳答案
If you are only going to 北海道, of course 直航.
If you are going to 北海道 and 東京 or , of course need to 轉機.
搭震晨機 may need to pay $500-700 more per person.
Are u 自遊行 or joining 東瀛遊’s tour?
Rera Chitose Outlet :
From Sapporo
For example, 札幌~南千歳駅=約32分(快速)
From New Chitose Airport :
北海道搭車 is very convenient. Even though you do not have a car, tourists still can travel to the attractions very easily.
Yr 2007 北海道的天氣 ,如下綱址
You need to bring a very thick coat with you. Temperature is about 5 degrees.
Refer to the below website to understand 北海道