
2008-09-30 11:39 pm
個miss 要作mid-autumn festival

Big dinner,dishes, enjoy moon cake,full moon,lantern,clouds,hide,dim


回答 (1)

2008-10-01 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try to work it out on your own, using the following hints: ;-)

1. Where did you have the big dinner?
2. With whom did you have the big dinner?
3. What dishes did you have?
[some words you might need: chicken/ pork / fish / prawns / vegetables / mushrooms / soup]
4. Who prepared the dinner? Was it delicious?
5. When did you start? When did you finish?


6. What did you do after dinner? [sit around / tell stories / play games / ]
7. When did you start to eat moon cakes?
8. Who took them out? Who cut them?
9. How many sorts were there? [lotus seed / red bean paste with / without egg yolk / with nuts]
10. What did you like to eat most?
11. How many pieces did you eat?
12. What about your family? Did they like moon cakes? How much did they eat?
13. What else did you eat besides moon cakes? [star fruits / pomelos / persimmons ...)


14. When did the full moon come out?
15. Was the moon beautiful? [round / bright]
16. Did you see something on the moon?
17. Did you like to look at it?
18. How about your family? Did they look at the moon too?


19. Did you play with lanterns?
20. Did other people also play with lanterns?
21. What sort of a lantern did you have? A rabbit lantern? A star fruit lantern? What colour?
22. Did you make it yourself? Or did somebody buy it for you?
22. Was it big or small? Was it made of paper or plastic?
24. Did you use real candles or did you use a light with battery?


25. When did the clouds come? [After … hours / at … o’clock]
26. What happened to the moon then? (It went / hid behind the clouds.)
27. What happened when there was no moon? (It became dim everywhere.)
28. How did the lanterns look? (They looked brighter) ;-)
29. What did you do when the moon went to sleep?
30. Did you and your family also go to bed then?


Now, this should be enough material for more than 200 words.
Hope this helps.
Choose the hints you like and try.

Try. Try your best.



參考: FMIR

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