
2008-09-30 10:59 pm
因為打算響個邊逗留大概15日,唔知用Travel Card, Oyster Card定
London Pass好?有無D咩卡可以valid for all the zones(trams/underground)?
而且visitor oyster cards同上面提到的又有咩唔同?
希望有人可以解答到我問題>_<with detail!!!
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!萬分感謝!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-09-30 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
From that information you provided I assume you are a student planning to visit London for 15 days. I would suggest to get the student Oyster with travel card that you will be able to travel from zone 1(central London) - 5 (Croydon) on tram, underground, train and buses. Oyster card is just like octopus card in HK and the travel card will allow you to travel on those transportation unlimited. Check out this website for more information: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets/default.aspx China town is near the Leicester Square station and the Big Chinese Supermarket is at Croydon (train station).

Unfortunately, I left UK few years so I am unsure what’s the different between those 3 student cards you mentioned.

Good Luck
2008-09-30 11:45 pm
Buy London pass with travel lak~
London pass 有1, 2, 3, 6 days to choice (41英磅-117英磅), 免費入場: 例如Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Windsor Castle, HMS Belfast....

而張travel card 就包左所有london 既transport:• London Underground trains
• Transport for London buses
• Docklands Light Rail
• Over-ground trains within zones 1-6
• Tramlink
• First Great Western travelling to Windsor

另外, london undergound 都有買1day or few days pass, 又係可以用係underground, tram, bus 咁, 如果你唔係去太多景點, buy lee 個就ok la~

英國有好多tourist information centre, 要咩map, 旅遊資料都係可以免費take ga~ d officer 重好helpful tim~

而isic 係國際學生證 , 是目前唯一國際上確認的全日制學生證明文件。全世界超過 118 個國家和地區發行,憑證可享全球各地幾萬種不同類型的優惠。每年全世界發證超過 4 千萬張,是目前唯一獲聯合國教育科學文化組織 (UNESCO) 確認的學生證。 申請左去一d旅遊點同住青年宿舍會有discount, 不過如你buy 左london pass 就真係唔太需要buy.
ISIC SWA Co-brand Card係國際學生證 學生福利聯盟卡
ISIC HKYTSA Co-brand Card係國際學生證 香港青年大專學生協會聯盟卡


And London 既china town 係near underground station: Piccadilly Circus嫁;
London 住b&b (bed & breakfast) 都好好嫁la 又比hotel 平d~ 大約55英磅至80英磅左右~ 似民宿咁, 都很不錯~
參考: self

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