
2008-09-30 8:08 pm
1. I woke up in the thunder
2. I woke up of the thunder
3. I woke up to the thunder
4. I woke up from the thunder
5. I woke up for the thunder

回答 (7)

2008-09-30 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3. I woke up to the thunder是對的.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-09-30 10:57 pm

I was awaken by the thunder.

若一定要用 "wake up", "wake" 的變化形應該是 "waken", 所以整句應是 "I was waken up by the thunder."

2008-09-30 15:05:41 補充:
very sorry, wake 的變化形應為 "woken", 所以應是 "I was woken up by the thunder". 但 "I was awaken by the thunder" 仍是對的.

2008-09-30 15:05:49 補充:
to ck_alan121:
對, 應該是被動. 但 "I got woken up by the thunder" 文法上有點不正統. "I got ..." 是口語化的用法, 如 "I got beaten up" ("我被打了"). 書面上, 被動式應用 is/was or are/were, 如 "I was beaten up", "We are trapped" ("我們被困了").
2008-09-30 9:47 pm

I got woken up by the thunder

I woke up for the thunder
參考: 自己
2008-09-30 9:13 pm
3.I woke up to the thunder
參考: 我-茶-
2008-09-30 8:44 pm
這是雷神說的話, 他起床為了幫你們打雷

5. I woke up for the thunder
2008-09-30 8:32 pm
Should be:
1. I woke up by the thunder.
2. I woke up because of the thunder.
3. I woke up in the thunder.
They are all correct.
參考: Me
2008-09-30 8:14 pm
Should be
1. I woke up by the thunder.
2. I woke up because of the thunder.

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