Should we vote out all the Republicans on 11/4/08?

2008-09-29 10:52 pm
Republicans ignore out national economy crisis and continue playing politics by voting down today's economy rescure bill, should we vote them all out on election day?

回答 (10)

2008-09-29 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes....absolutely. They have had control of the Senate since 1996 to 2006...and Bush since 2000. The Dems are the majority but they need a majority of 60 percent to overturn the filibusters of the republicans. The filibusters (92 since 2007) are slowing up legislation in Congress. The republicans even filibuster their own bills. Now they are standing back and blaming the Dems...they think the people are stupid and don't know the games they are playing!

The Republicans deregulated the financial institutions....their less govt...and see where we are today!
2008-09-29 10:57 pm
Then what did Carter and Clinton do?
2008-09-29 11:00 pm
Sure and sacrifice national security? Maybe libs should be put at the front of the line.We always could have friendly fire.
2008-09-29 10:58 pm
No we shouldn't. I like two parties not at all but I'd like one party even less. There must be balance. How about we resolve to vote out corrupt politicians who don't care about their constituents?
2008-09-29 11:07 pm

The Democrats didn't need ANY Republican votes to pass that bill and it failed.

I'm afraid you are terribly uninformed.
2008-09-29 11:00 pm
In the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the bill to pass they need a SIMPLE MAJORITY(same in the senate)
435 Total
233 democrats
202 republicans
do the math

They did not need republicans to pass this bill...........

Just so you know to overwrite presidential veto they NEED 2/3 of all of congress to do it........ There was no veto.....

This 2 party system STINK'S

2016-12-01 10:35 am
Obama of direction! Why do you even ask? Did you notice Hillary's speech on the Democratic convention? Did you notice bill's speech? I voted for Hillary and that i became disillusioned with how the Primaries have been performed. Hillary had the Electoral votes for the POTUS..had the DNC been ordinary approximately FL and MI Hillary might have won. 3 different states moved their primaries yet weren't punished...those have been concept to be Obama state..yet purely 2 went for Obama. The DNC and the previous shelter Dems might desire to flow. The great Delegates have been bought off...yet no count how I rant, i might desire to never, EVER, vote for McCain OR Palin. The Clinton years have been the final and that i presumed Hillary might desire to undo the wear and tear by using the Bush administration! however the DNC and great delegates made the alternative for the electorate. now we would desire to continually combat stressful to get Obama interior the White homestead!
2008-09-29 11:02 pm
God help us if there is ever a time in this country when ETHER party stands unopposed. You have to have an opposite to keep balance. You really are a partisan to think that Republicans are responsible for this crisis, where were your Dem's when the evil Republicans were ruining the world? See if there had been a Republican hand in this the Dem's would have been beating it for the last 8 years like a dead horse.
2008-09-29 10:59 pm
LOL I think we should send all of the incumbents home so their houses can go into foreclosure too.
2008-09-29 10:59 pm
Yes, because most republicans are pro-business first, people last, and protect the rich. Trickle-down does not work. Bottom up works and that is what Democrats support.

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